Little Bit

Little Bit, painted wood, 3x4x3.5", 2023.

I like the house as a shape. It's more interesting and more challenging than painting just a square or rectangle. If you break it down, it’s a 3-d polygon with history. It’s both a basic geometric shape and an image of the house loaded with meaning. I paint each side as if it were a tiny painting in itself, able to stand alone yet get along with all the other sides. The challenge in painting sculpture is to paint each side differently and uniquely, and by the time you are back at the beginning the painting must come together as a whole.
I believe artists should learn from other artists. I’ve spent a lot of time looking at Joseph Albers and Mark Rothko. One of the artists that have influenced me lately is Ronald Davis, a contemporary American artist best known for his work associated with Geometric Abstraction, Abstract Illusionism, Lyrical Abstraction, and Hard-Edge painting.